Resultados: WWE Survivor Series 2012

*3MB derrotou Team Co-Bro

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination:
*Team Mysterio & Sin Cara (Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel e Brodus Clay) derrotou Team Prime Time Players (Titus O'Neil, Darren Young, Primo, Epico e Tensai)

WWE Divas Championship:
*Eve Torres (c) derrotou Kaitlyn; Eve retem o titulo

WWE United States Championship:
*Antonio Cesaro (c) derrotou R-Truth; Cesaro retem o titulo

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
*Sheamus venceu Big Show (c) por DQ; Big Show retem o titulo

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match:
*Team Ziggler (Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow , David Otunga e Wade Barrett) derrotou Team Foley (Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Daniel Bryan e The Miz)

WWE Championship - Triple Threat
*CM Punk (c) derrotou John Cena e Ryback; Punk retem o titulo; Durante o combate, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose e Roman Reigns da NXT atacaram Ryback.

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